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After successful completion of a bachelor's degree in midwifery and registration with the College of Midwives of British Coloumbia, midwives have developed a long list of competencies.  Click here to link to a complete list of competenices.

Midwives must also renew their registration yearly with both the College of Midwives of BC and the Midwives Association of BC.  For a registrant to maintain registration, midwives are expected to re-certify annually in neonatal resusciation and biannually recertify in CPR HCP and a Emergency Skills For Midwives course.  Midwives must also ensure they provide a minimum of 10 out of hospital births in every two year period, to participate in a quarterly peer review as well as to meet continuing professional development guidelines.

Midwives can also seek out additional training to increase scope of practice of practice in several areas including Surgical First Assist and Independent Ordering of Induction and Augmentation of Labour in Hospital.  Click here for full list of possible options for specialized practice.

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